Monday, 11 May 2009

Preliminary task

whilst I was creating the contents page I found it was easier than coming up with ideas for my front cover, one of my weaknesses whilst making the contents page and the front cover for my college magazine was the fact I had no ideas, I was not highly inspired by the work that I have done and believe I could do a whole lot better, even though I had the results of my questionnaire I didn’t think that helped me enough, as I struggles to come up with ideas. I believe that my contents page is much better than my front cover. I chose the colour blue as I want it to be seen as an unstereotypically masculine colour. I also used the colours green, orange and yellow as I believe this colours are not thought of as representing a certain gender and would work better a s I wanted my magazine to be uni-sexed and not leaned or aimed towards more of one gender than another gender. another one of my weaknesses is the fact my contents page looks abit empty, I would have preferred both my contents page and front cover to look alot more busy than they do, but as I ran out of ideas and found it hard to think of mastheads, catch lines and so on. with the, what I would class this as, failed attempt to create a substantial college magazine front cover and contents page, I think that with the next project in which we have to complete that I will be on top of my sketches and ideas, as I believe the fact I drew my sketches after I designed my magazine affected the presentation of my college magazine front cover and contents page. If I could re-do this, I will be more reliant on my research and relate my work to the results of a questionnaire. I will also do my sketches before hand so I have an idea of how I want my magazine to look like, with the few minor changes that will happen due to the fact I would have drawn my ideas on paper but created my magazine on Photoshop. another one of my weaknesses is the fact I am not completely comfortable with Photoshop and I don't know how to fully design and use Photoshop, as a result my college magazine front cover and contents page was not as successful as it could have been. I think for my front cover, I should have used more of the space that was available for me; I could have done this by using a better image or coming up with more ideas and tag lines for the magazine.