Wednesday, 11 May 2011


1. What gender are you?
Male Female
2. How old are you?
16 17 18 19
3. How would you describe your ethnic origin?

4. Are you interested in music?
Yes No
5. Do you watch to music channels often?
Yes No
6. Do you listen to the radio frequently?
Yes No
7. Are you interested in music magazines?
Yes No
8. How often would you buy a music magazine?
Weekly Every Fortnight Monthly Not Often
9. How much are you willing to pay for a music magazine?
£1-£1.50 £1.51-£2 £2.01+
10. Do you listen do a large variety of music?
Yes No
11. Do you own a portable music device?
Yes No
12. Do you buy CD’s?
Yes No

13. Do you download music files?
Yes No

14. Would you like a music magazine do include upcoming concert dates and music events?

Yes No

15. Would you like a music magazine to include free posters of music artists?

Yes No

16. Would you like to include what music is in the charts?

Yes No

17. Would you like the magazine to include the latest gossip on music artists?

Yes No

18. Would you like the magazine to include a lyrics column of the number 1 song in the charts?

Yes No

19. Would you like a music magazine to include a section on upcoming artists and where you can watch them?
Yes No

20. Would you like a music magazine to include the latest fashion trends that music artist themselves wear, and recommend?
Yes No

21. Do you normally buy magazines due to who is on the front cover and how it looks?

Yes No

22. Would you like games to be included in the music magazine?
Yes No
23. Would you like the music magazine to include free downloads?

Yes No

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