Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Retake: Q4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

My target audience is aimed at 16-20 year olds who are genuinely interested in: music, fashion and getting somewhere in their life, such as those who are attending college, or are doing an apprenticeship or have a job which they are aiming to specialize in .

The reason I have decided I wanted these type of people as my target audience is because I would like to believe my magazine would be inspirational to the readers my magazine acquires. Also as it would be a great opportunity to give those who have something they are aiming for in life, the help that they target audience also have to be interested in music, and for 16-20 year olds, music can be a major part of their lives, for example in my target audience there will be some students who are undergoing the stress of exams and also doing work for school/ college or university, music could be a way for those who are undergoing these stresses to relieve themselves, and that’s where my music magazine comes fits into my target audience, as I will be providing them with the latest news gossip and music events, that will help them enjoy their leisure time.

I have targeted my audience towards those more urban Londoners, this is because London is a multi-cultural city with a high interest in fashion, and as fashion is incorporated through music, I thought it would be a good idea to ensure my magazine held this for my target audience, as they would have an interest in this especially due to their age group.

My target audience doesn’t have a set gender that my magazine is targeted at, and due to the fact that I decided to that my target age group would be relatively small, so in order to capture as much of an audience as possible I thought having a unisex magazine would be more beneficial for my magazine

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